Sunday, July 5, 2009


This is my first blog and I'm quite confused what I would like to share on this blog...
But.... what about a short introduction?
I'm Severine , currently 26 years old, love to eat and really love books...
So... maybe I think I'll explore more about some nice eating places, or about some books that I have read..
Or maybe,I'll share my own thoughts?
I have a friend of mine that asked me once before, whether I've ever tried to write something..
Because he was amazed by the number of books that I've ever read and it is strange if I never tried to write anything...
Honestly, I've tried that before... but I lost my documentations....(I'm not a tidy person :p )
So here I am, try to begin again...
For the blog name.... That's a name of a dark chocolate that I really love when I was a student, because it is delicious and cheap.
The original name is Bittersweet from L'Agie, manufactured at Bandung, but I modified it to b1ttersweet...
Sometimes people has to taste the bitter side of the story before can taste the sweetness
Anyway, welcome to B1ttersweet Choco World....Hope you'll enjoy it..

*I apologize first for my English... Maybe you'll found some mistakes, but hey, I'm not an English teacher, hehehehehe....

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