Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pepaya Mangga Pisang Jambu

It has been a month since I've tried to eat fruit regularly.
Sometimes it was papaya, sometimes it was mango, sometimes it was orange.
But mostly it was papaya or mango.
Because those two are the most easiest to be found in Indonesia.
We have a song regarding those fruit, as you can see on the title of this article.

What the point is, sometimes I get bored by eating cut fruit everyday, especially if the variant only switched between papaya and mango.
So i think, why don't i buy a blender and i can drink some juice?
But the problem is, I have a bad habit of like to do some research before i buy something.
So i stumbled across the option of buying juicer or blender.
But i found a nice article that really help me to decide which one i would want to buy.
Maybe you could check this out also: Juicing Vs Blending

I think that I'll buy a blender first because its many purposes function, and after gathered additional money, I'll buy a juicer.

At the end, I want to share you the original lyric of Pepaya Mangga Pisang Jambu.
Pepaya mangga pisang jambu
Dibawa dari pasar minggu
Disana banyak penjualnya
Dikota banyak pembelinya

Papaya buah yang berguna
Bentuknya sangat sederhana
Pasanya manis tidak kalah
Membikin badan sehat segar

Reff :
Pepaya jeruk jambu
Rambutan duren duku dll nya
Marilah mari kawan
Kawan semua
Membeli buah buahan

Papaya makanan rakyat
Karena sangat bermanfaat
Harganya juga tak mengikat
Setalen tuan boleh angkat

or maybe you could check this Youtube video

Enjoy it.. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Setia Kawan

Apa yang terjadi hari ini membuatku berpikir keras, apa sebenarnya makna dari kesetiakawanan.
Apakah setia kawan itu harus diartikan sebagai susah dan senang bersama-sama?
Entah mengapa, kadang aku merasa mungkin orang akan menganggap aku ini orang yang egois.
Apakah kurang tepat jika aku merasa aku hanya bisa membantu orang lain, jika itu tidak membuat diriku sendiri kesusahan?
Bukan berarti aku hanya mau bersenang-senang.
Tapi berbeda antara membantu orang yang sedang kesusahan dengan menjerumuskan diri bersama-sama dalam kesusahan.
Tidaklah benar jikalau kesetiakawanan itu adalah sesuatu yang berarti memanfaatkan kesungkanan seorang kawan untuk menolak.
Jikalau itu adalah hal yang baik, baguslah itu.
Tapi kalau tidak, maka yang akan terjadi adalah akhirnya semua pihak akan kesusahan.
Mungkin orang akan mengatakan aku orang yang kurang berempati.
Tapi menurutku, sesuatu hal yang dilakukan itu harus mempertimbangkan feasibilitasnya.
Kalau memang keadaan kurang memungkinkan, apalah gunanya dipaksakan.

Kesetiakawanan bagiku adalah saat dengan sejujur-jujurnya aku dapat mengatakan 'aku mendukungmu 100%' tanpa adanya rasa berat di dalam hati dan otakku.
Sekali lagi kupertegas, itu bukan berarti aku tidak mau susah ya, tapi berbeda antara menjebloskan diri dalam kesusahan dan memang benar-benar susah.
Karena ingatlah, menjebloskan diri dalam kesusahan adalah kesusahan yang kamu buat dengan tanganmu, hasil buah pekerjaanmu, dan janganlah menyeret orang ke situ, karena itu tidaklah adil.
Kesusahan yang memang benar-benar susah adalah ketika kamu sudah mencoba melakukan yang terbaik dan itu tidak berjalan dengan baik. Percayalah, di saat itu aku akan datang menolongmu. Itulah kesetiakawananku.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dirgahayu Indonesia

Buatlah bangsamu ini bisa bangga akan sesuatu yang bukan hanya berasal dari masa lalu.
Sadarilah kalau kekayaan alam dan keanekaragaman budaya hanyalah sebagian kecil modal yang ga berguna jika tak ada kemampuan dan tekad untuk mengolahnya secara bijak.
Bangunlah sesuatu yang memang bisa kita banggakan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Monday, August 15, 2011

Si Bawang Merah dan si Bawang Bombay

Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi pas masak (yang akhir-akhir ini cukup sering kulakukan).

Yang sering bikin nangis pas dipotong itu bawang Bombay (alias onion) , bukan bawang merah (alias shallot )
Lain cerita kalau ada orang yang seabis memotong bawang terus langsung ngucek mata, terus nangis, itu sih oon ya...
Makanya gw merasa tergelitik banget pas membaca 2 novel (berturut-turut) yang ada adegan motong bawang merah dan orangnya nangis..

Apa emang gw yang udah ga sensitif ama bawang merah ya?
atau..... jangan-jangan para penulis itu terjebak pemikiran "awas kalau motong bawang nangis" tanpa tau sebenarnya bawang apa yang dimaksud...?

Yang pasti ketika gw menemukan adegan nangis pas motong bawang merah itu, gw sampai berhenti sekian menit cuman untuk mikir soal si tertuduh bawang merah padahal pelakunya si bawang bombay...

Soalnya jujur aja, perbedaan yang gw rasakan kalau membaca tulisan karya orang Indonesia dan penulis luar itu adalah soal kedalaman riset.

Padahal sebenarnya dengan riset yang mendalam, akan bisa didapatkan background cerita yang menyeluruh untuk mendukung inti cerita.

Pada umumnya karya penulis Indonesia lebih banyak bermain dalam permainan kata-kata dan permainan emosi dari pembacanya walaupun kadang ada juga yang bisa menuliskan cerita dengan background yang detail..

tapi ya tetep deh... masak sih nangis gara-gara bawang merah?
*paling ga, saya meringis gara-gara tuduhan yang dilontarkan kepada si bawang merah...

Friday, August 5, 2011

M-tix @21cineplex

It has been a year passed since I had a M-tix.
As an avid cinema go-ers, I thought that was a good decision.
I didn't longer use the BCA card BOGO promotion, (Is it still available?) so that's mean that I bought the ticket with the price at it is.
I hate the waiting line, especially when I want to watch a blockbuster movies.
So I got myself going to M-Tix locket and registering.

The process itself is quite simple.
1. Go to the nearest XXI with M-tix facility and register yourself. The minimum first deposit is 150k IDR. Actually I don't think that as a deposit, because I could use those value immediately for purchasing tickets.
The greatest thing about m-tix is the fact that it is actually free. There is no administration fee.
2. Go to M-tix Homepage and login with your mobile number and password registered.
3. Choose the movie or the studio.
4. Choose the date, playtime and the number of tickets.
5. By default, XXI will choose the recommendation seat(s). You have 15 sec to accept or deny this option.
Or, you could choose you own seat with 90 sec time limit.
Tips: if you choose to open the m-tix with your mobile phone (not the full site), M-tix will use the default option, you can't choose your seat. I recommend you to open the full site even tough you open the M-Tix homepage with your mobile.
6. Click OK, then wait for a moment to complete the purchase.
7. Transaction complete: A window will be opened with your code to order detail and a SMS will be send to your mobile.
8. Use the code to obtain your ticket at the M-Tix locket in XXI.

Usually the best seats are provided for M-tix user (and of course VIP row).
Of course the number of seats are limited. At the past, it is usually two rows. But at the last two movies, it has been four rows or more, depend into the screen size. Larger studio tend to provide more rows.
Tips: if you are a regular movie go-ers, it is very useful to know which row is the VIP row (based on my experience, it is E or F). The next time you order by M-tix, just choose the nearest row.

Also, there is some time limit to purchased tickets.
In regular seasons, M-tix user could use their login at 7am-11am of the day.
( in the last couple times, I found that I could order my tickets at 6.30 am, so I guess it was no longer 7 am, but in the website, it is still stated 7 am) *14/09/2012
Except for weekend, M-tix user could use it for advanced tickets.
Why 7am-11am? Because the conventional lockets at the theatre open at 11 am.
If there are remaining number of seats available, the 21cineplex could sell it to non M-tix users.
I think that's fair enough.

For a big movies, such as Harry Potter series, M-tix users have advantage to buy advances ticket before the conventional lockets are opened.
The only disadvantage of M-tix is that not all the theatres are supported. Most of XXIs are supported, but not all of them. 21s aren't supported tough. Simply check at www.21cineplex.com

So what do you think? Just go your nearest XXI (of course,check first if it support M-tix or not) and registered your self as a M-Tix users.

Update:  You could reload your M-Tix account via ATM.
1. via Payment menu (only in BII ATM)
2. via transferred menu ( BII ATM and Alto, Bersama, Prima ATM)

For non BII user: charge fee IDR 5000.
Virtual Account number to be input: 7821 + the mobile number registered for M-Tix
M-Tix Reload brochure

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Seasonal Bookworm

I'm a seasonal bookworm.
Sometimes I could read as much as 30 books/year averagely.
But sometimes, i could read as much as 5 books/year only.
I think this year is one of the latter.
It's August now and I've only read 6 books.
Honestly, there was two bad habits that I built last year.
The first one is hit-run reading.
I read only a few beginning chapters, than I just stop reading that book.
It started with Cold Mountain actually.
I've tried to read that particular book since 2010's New Year without any success.
Since then, The Monk who sold his Ferrari, The Secrets, The Essential of Hemingway and Revolutionary Road have been the books that I just left unfinished.
No.... those books are actually nice (i would feel rather guilty if i said that Hemingway's work isn't great), but I just couldn't finish reading those books.
The second one is the fact that i couldn't stop buying books.
Before 2010, I disciplined myself to not buy any books unless my to-read numbers is less than 10.
My current number is.... 28 books.
Oh gosh, I think I have to stop buying books and try to accomplish my target for this year, 30 books.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Visiting The Homeland of Java Man

Last month, I received an invitation from my cousin to attend her wedding at Solo.
I just can't pass this occasion for a chance to explore Yogya and Solo for a weekend's gateway.
So I booked a round-away trip CGK-JOG.
The original plan was that I would meet my parents at Yogya, then we would depart to Solo together.
Since there was some family issue, we changed the plane.
Instead of me going to Bantul, I had to go straightly from Yogya to Solo by myself.
At first, I'm pretty shocked, because I've never travelled from Yogya to Solo or vice versa by myself.
My father told me to took the Prambanan Ekspress.
At the first thought, I was thinking "How could you expect me to travel from the airport to the railway station and then waiting at Solo by myself?"
But then I encouraged myself.
I'm 28 years old and I've travelled a lot, what should I scared of? It is still on the same island. I didn't have any problem travelling outside Java.
So okay, let's do that.

4:15 AM : depart from my house to Blok M (thank you my dear...)
4:30 AM : depart from Blok M to CGK Terminal 3
Since Mandala announced their bankruptcy, Terminal 3 seems very quiet with Air Asia as the sole airline company.
6:00 AM : depart from CGK, headed to JOG
7:00 AM : arrived at Adisucipto International Airport.
I didn't have any idea what I'm gonna do. So I looked around and found the sign "Meguwo Railway Station".
I bought a ticket, oh gosh, it's only IDR 9k.
Prambanan Ekspress have several routes. The farthest route is Kutoarjo-Solo Jebres (Solo has 3 railway station: Purwosari-Solo Balapan-Solo Jebres). The regular route is Tugu-Solo Jebres. There is also Prambanan Ekspress Wisata (wisata = tour)
The train itself is clean and comfortable enough.
Prambanan Ekspress

8.00 AM: arrived at Solo Balapan
I was a clueless tourist. I was looking around the railway station, trying to open my Google Maps, searching for a clue, how to get away my self to Klewer or to Slamet Riyadi area. Then, a man approached me.
He said that his name is Jarot, and he offered to accompany me getting around Solo. At first, I was suspicious (heyy, I've been living too long at Jakarta). But at the second thought, I think that's a great idea.
So, let's the adventure begin...
Because I was starving, I asked where I can have some breakfast.
He brought me to Warung Soto Gading 1.
No words need to be said. The picture will say what it need to be said.
Soto Ayam - Warung Soto Gading I
I only have to paid 10k IDR for a bowl of Soto Ayam and a glass of hot orange.
After that, Jarot took me to Kampung Batik Kauman.
There are several batik shops around here. The price range varies from the cheapest to the most expensive one, depending on the technique used to produce the batik.
I really want to share some picture about the batik processing, but no picture is allowed.
After that, we resumed our journey to Kraton Mangkunegaran.
There are two Kraton at Solo, Kraton Pakunegaran and Kraton Mangkunegaran. Since I have gone to the first one 3 years ago, so I decided to go to Kraton Mangkunegaran.
It's a beautiful place. But I think there is a lot of review about this place. So I think, I don't need to review this place a lot. But I found an interesting fact. There is a lot of picture of Mangkunegaran VIII around this Kraton. What I mean a lot is really a lot. Comparing with the other Mangkunegarans, Mangkunegaran VIII has a lot of picture taken. FYI, the current Mangkunegaran is Mangkunegaran X.
Actually, after Kraton Mangkunegaran, I thought that's the end of the journey.
But Jarot asked me, "Why don't you go to Sangiran?"
Me: "Sangiran?"
What do I know about Sangiran is only what mentioned at the history books.
A place where fossils were found. That's all.
But I never thought about visiting it.
Maybe because I thought that the place is in the middle of nowhere?
So I pick up the bait.
It's kind of surprise me to see the site.

Too modern?I'm thinking about an Indiana Jones's adventure, not some modern site.
But overall I think it's nice that the local government show some interest in building some local tourist attraction. Inside the area, it is quite resemble ITB's boulevard. The museum is small, I think the size is about Museum Sri Baduga at Bandung.
After looking around for a half hour, I took a look at my watch. I decide it's the time to go back to Solo.

My parents booked Hotel Dana at Jl Slamet Riyadi.
It's a three starred hotel owned by the Mangkunegaran. My cousin's wedding reception will be held there, so I think that's a nice choice.
After taking a short break, my parents and I took an evening walk to Klender, a traditional market famous for its batik product.
For dinner, we ate at Ayam Goreng Mbak Yuli. The fried chicken is delicious and cheap. I highly recommend you to try this.

At the 2nd day, mainly I attend my cousin's wedding reception. It's really differ from the other wedding that I've ever attended.
At Bandung or Jakarta, mainly wedding reception use buffet system. Sometimes the chinese people use table system.
My cousin's reception use chairing system (she is Javanase-Palembang, and her husband is from Aceh) with servant.
So I have to sit on the same chair (with a very small table, only to put your glass) for 3 hours and waiting for the servant to deliver foods and beverage.
From that moments, I understand the importance of Among Tamu.
In traditional Javanese wedding reception, Among Tamu has to be familiar with the guest list. He/She has to identified who are the guests and show them the correct seating position. Any mistakes on this matters could cause a great annoyance for the elderly.
After the reception finished, my parents and I headed to Solo Balapan, because my flight would be from Yogya.
From Yogya, I only want to share this picture.
Adisucipto International Airport Boarding Gate
I like the color combination... black, white, red....
That's all from the trip of "Visting the Homeland of Java Man"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bravo for Jakarta Love Riot !

Maybe it was late.
But I still want to review this musical theater performance.
Last year, when I heard about Jakarta Love Riot, I think "Musical? at Jakarta? Quite interesting"
So when I heard that there would be a replay at February 2011, I contacted my friends.
We got the 1st class ticket, IDR 150k for the last performance a.k.a. closing.

Overall, I just want to say "Nice".
Beautiful opening act, simple story, nice songs, good acting (especially for Sarah Sechan and the kid who performed as Raja), nice dancing scene.
Romancing the Soto and Gobal-Gobel could be downloaded at EKI's website.

I just can't wait for another musical theater from EKI.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Choco Chip Oatmeal Cookies and Choco Chip Bars

Last weekend was a DIY weekend.
I painted my living room upstairs (but I won't discussed about it until it is completely done) and I baked some cookies.
Actually, this is my third experience in baking cookies.
On the first experience, the cookies were delicious, but I slightly burnt those cookies.
On the second experience, it's not getting better. Instead, I completely burnt the Choco Chip Oatmeal Cookies, and I put too much of baking powder, so the taste is bitter.
Yesterday, finally I made those perfect cookies.
Both the Choco Chip Oatmeal and Choco Chip Cookies were delicious without getting burnt.
The recipe, Chocolate Chip Bars (by Shirley Glaab) is originally taken from allrecipes.com .
I modified the recipe, add some cocoa, oatmeal and cinnamon to gives some scent and different texture.

fresh from the oven...

Choco Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Choco Chip Bars

Just wanna say thank you to my boyfriend and my colleagues at the office who are willing to try this cookies.
Hope that none of you got a bad stomach after tasting this.


Can you guess who is the person on those android version?

Androidify is the newest google application for android.
It's enable you to modify the little green Android into yourself, you family,your friends!
Very cute and easy to use.
Just try by yourself.. ;-)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Thursday, February 17, 2011

CAN you THINK before you ACT?

I rarely use capital letters to emphasize my words. But I've just read an annoying news (again).
The headline was simple 'A student is on critical condition after hit by TransJ when crossing the busway'.
A lot of people gave their comments on this article.
Some people ahow the sympathy to the driver, some to the student.
As a fellow human, I sympathize the student, hope that she/he will get well soon.
But as a citizen, I'm pro with the driver.
Busway is supposed to be a sterile area. Only transJ can pass on the busway lane.
It really tick me when I read a comment 'the bridge to cross is too far away'
Come on, as long as I know, sometimes people are just too lazy to go up the stairs, or to turn their way a little bit.
I saw the reality everyday.
People are crossing the street just below the bridge.
It makes me frustated to saw that view everyday.
People are to accustomed to the shortcut.
I like shortcut. I admit that.
But I will only use a safe shortcut.
I have a brain, I can think, I know the risk. If it's not safe, I won't use the shortcut.
There is no point of cutting a few minutes if you endangered yourself and other people.
Don't be such an egoistic man.
Think bigger. Whatever you do, think about the impact globally.
Maybe you think I'm an over thinking person. But better to think hard before act. Because if something is getting out of the rail, I just don't want to be blamed, especially by YOU.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A moment of weakness, A lifetime of regret

This blog title is quoted from Testimony, Anita Shreve's book title.
I think everyone of us has our own moment of weakness that's always regretted.

I regret the moment when I can't speak up my mind.
Maybe it's more a 'don't'.
Every people can speak, but sometimes they choose just to stay ignorant by being quiet.
I don't like seeing people litter the trash. But i didn't say anything.
I don't like people who cut the line. But i didn't say anything.
Maybe staying ignorant is just an easy way at that moment. But i regret those 'being quiet's.
It's the time to speak your mind.. or there will be another moment of weakness and more regrets in your life..

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year

It's gonna be a short posting (and late actually, it supposed to be yesterday).
Happy Rabbit Year for the Chinese.
Happy Cat Year for the Vietnamese.

May this year will be a prosperous year..
But why oh why it doesn't rain? (Sigh)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disgustingly Rich Brownies

I have been using my Android for 2 weeks and I like it :D *despite the fact that it is a battery eater*
There is a lot of app in the Android Market, but I want to review this one 'Recipes'.
Just like the name, 'Recipes' provide a lot of recipes. From main dish into dessert.
The recipes are categorized per type and on the summary you could find the number of ingredients and steps.
The search engine provided is by ingredients.
Oh yeah, the wallpaper background is also nice, especially if you love green.

Yesterday, me and my boyfriend decided to try one of those recipes.
Because we are just amateur, we choose 'Disgustingly Rich Brownies'. We choose that because:
1. The number of ingredients and steps: easy to be found and followed
2. You'll never fail in baking brownies, just mix the ingredient then bake. Just watch out to not burnt the cake
3. This recipe is intended for Kids cooking, so how hard it could be?
So.. after turning my kitchen into a battlefield, I'm proudly present you the 'Disgustingly Rich Brownies'.

I wish I could share the brownies ;)

*pics taken with FxCam, recipe from Recipes (both are downloadable at Android Market for free)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year with new glasses and a new .... phone? :p

The year has changed.
It's the time to buy new glasses..
No.. there isn't any problem with my old ones. It' s just that i have to use my health insurance benefit.
So.. i think that it would be nice to have another transition glasses. After searching at 4 optic stores with my bf, i decided to buy this one. A different image with the old one.
The frame colour is white with a slightly gold. Cute, fresh, young and simple enough.

The 2nd thing that i purchased last weekend is an android phone :D
Actually, i've been thinking really hard to choose between an Android, a Blackberry, or an iPhone (sorry Sony Ericsson.. but i need a refreshment after 5 years using a Son-Er)..
On my first filtering, i dismissed iPhone, because it's too expensive.
On my 2nd filtering, I dismissed Blackberry, because I don't know how i will answer my boss if he ask 'what's your pin number, Sev?'
I'll answer him, but I'll regret it :p
BBM is an interesting feature, but i still want my freedom. So i dismissed blackberry from my options.

My options is narrowed between Samsung Galaxy 551 and LG Optimus One. From what i read in some amdroid forum, LG Optimus One has a better review. And it is also upgradable into gingerbread while samsung isn't upgradable.
But the big missing point for me is its size. You know that i'm a girl, don't you?
My hand is not big enough to handle opimus one in a comfy way. It's slightly bigger than my palm. I'm afraid that if i can't grab it right, it will fall from my hand. Oh, that would be a nightmare.
So, let me introduce you my Samsung Galaxy 551 in white-green colour. (Another white things purchased in 2011)

Anyway, this is my first post written with my android :p

*special thanks for someone... thank you for accompanying me into my hunting quest, hehehehe
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Happy New Year 2011 !!!

So... What's gonna happen on this year?
Hopefully everything is gonna be alright for all of you.

Everything happened in the last year is nothing more than just a history, so get your lesson then take your next step on this year.
Either a small or a big step, it's still a step.
It's much better than doing nothing.

Let's begin this year with a big smile on our face :D